Compton Unified School District values teacher creativity and teacher independence when it comes to selecting a curriculum. NGSS instruction presents a new set of challenges for teachers to cover a different set of standards, using novel instructional strategies.
The provided curricula are meant to provide a framework and sample lessons that teachers can modify to meet their needs. |
Amplify Science Pilot (2 teachers per school)A phenomenon-based, three-dimensional curriculum that prioritizes student coherence and equitable science sensemaking.
Mystery Science (temporary curriculum for K-5)A free, easy-to-use, NGSS-aligned curriculum that provides grab-and-go lessons for teachers that introduces concepts through videos and hands-on activities.
Discovery EducationSupplemental content for supporting science instruction. You can find videos, interactives, and activities by Browsing Standards and selecting 2013 NGSS Arranged by Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI).